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Junk Silver information

'Junk Silver' is the generic term which is used to refer to old circulation coinage which has a silver content. It is not a reference to 'Scrap Silver' - which might be old silver jewellery or flatware (knives, forks, etc) being sold for its silver content.

Generally this refers to Canadian Coins prior to 1968, and US coins (sometimes called 'Constitutional Silver') prior to 1964.

Most European countries removed silver from their coinage much earlier (e.g 1920's), so generally this is not used for investment as there is less available.

The purity of silver in circulation coinage varied, and was gradually reduced over time before being removed completely in the late 1960's.

There is some confusion over which years have which purities, so below is the summary we use when buying and selling these products.

Disclaimer ! The information below is a guide only and does not necessarily represent every coin produced in every country listed. There are certain years where some coins were not minted, so these might not exist. Use at your own risk!


Canadian Junk Silver

  5c 10c 25c 50c $1 Heads
1858 - 1919 92.5% 92.5% 92.5% 92.5% N/A Victoria, Edward VII, George V
1920 - 1921 80% 80% 80% 80% N/A George V
1921 - 1966 NIL 80% 80% 80% 80% George V, George VI, Elizabeth II
1967 NIL 50%1 50%1 80% 80% Elizabeth II
1968 NIL 50%2 50%2 NIL NIL Elizabeth II

NOTE 1: In 1967, 10c & 25c contain either 50% or 80% silver, these are almost indistinguishable so a rate of 50% is used.

NOTE 2: In 1968, 10c & 25c contain either 50% or 0% silver. The coins that are 0% silver are 100% nickel and are attracted to a magnet.


U.S. Junk Silver

  5c 10c 25c 50c $1
1942 - 1945 35%        
1892 - 1964   90% 90% 90% 90%1
1965 - 1970       40%  
Note 1 : Last date for US $1 was 1935 except for some from 1971,72,73,74,76. These Eisenhower “Silver” Dollars are sometimes called “Ike” dollars. Some are 40% Silver, some are plated copper/nickel. They can be distingished by their weights. 40% Silver version = 24.59g Cu/Ni version = 22.68g


Newfoundland Junk Silver

  5c 10c 20c 25c 50c Heads
1865 - 1870 92.5% 92.5% 92.5% N/A N/A Victoria
1870 - 1912 92.5% 92.5% 92.5% N/A 92.5% Victoria, Edward VII, George V
1912 - 1917 92.5% 92.5% N/A N/A 92.5% George V
1917 - 1919 92.5% 92.5% N/A 92.5% 92.5% George V
1919 - 1943 92.5% 92.5% N/A N/A N/A George V, George VI
1944 80% 92.5% N/A N/A N/A George VI
1945 - 1947 80% 80% N/A N/A N/A George VI



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Markets   Live charts GOLD    US$ 3022.60   /   CA$ 4317.18 SILVER    US$ 33.68   /   CA$ 48.11 Ex. Rate : 1.4283 Time (UTC) : 25 Mar, 2025 20:28:09