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Testing and Certification Services

About our services.

Do you have bullion investments you would like to certify ?


  • Written Valuation & Certification of items for settlement of an estate ?
  • Certification of items prior to private sale ?
  • Testing of older/unknown bars or coins ?
  • Peace of mind to guarantee an existing investment ?

Whatever your reason, we have over 5 years experience in testing and valuing silver and gold bullion bars and coins.

  • Non-destructive procedures
  • Precision weighing & measuring apparatus
  • Electronic Gold testing
  • Ultrasonic analysis
  • Bullion DNA Anti-Counterfeiting Technology from the Royal Canadian Mint

Over the years, we have developed a range of techniques when analysing bars and coins, and we also use state-of-the-art equipment to analyse items in ways not possible just a few years ago.

The Royal Canadian Mint Bullion DNA Program

In addition to our existing testing and certification processes, we are now proud to be part of the Royal Canadian Mints Bullion DNA Dealer program. Using the mint's latest technology, we can now validate newer Silver and Gold Maples directly against the mint's own database. For a video of how this works, please click the link below (opens in a new window)

Fees for testing and certification

Number of Items Price per item (ex HST)
1-3 $12
4-9 $10
10 + $8

All items are subjected to multi-point inspection against a a matrix of criteria and compared to the manufacturers specifications. You will be provided with a written certificate detailing the results of all the tests, signed and dated by the person conducting the tests. Please allow sufficient time for testing as it can be 5-10 minutes per item given the complexity of the testing involved.


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The best designed coins in the world !


Compare our rates, we're the clear winners !


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Markets   Live charts GOLD    US$ 3022.70   /   CA$ 4319.14 SILVER    US$ 33.80   /   CA$ 48.30 Ex. Rate : 1.4289 Time (UTC) : 25 Mar, 2025 21:08:57